About Me: |
How I work: |
My name is Kellie.
I came to this work as a person who had a lot questions about sexuality and felt something was missing in my own sexual experiences. Frustrated and ashamed that this part of life simply was not being realized in the ways I knew possible...but was not quite sure. I had been studying and practicing massage therapy and was coming to understand that the body holds information in profound ways. At that time in my life I was stifled by the idea of dancing as if no one was watching. Between coming into the knowledge of the body's inherent wisdom and a profound life changing moment that coincided with connecting with my dead mother and finding that dance was a portal back to her and other magic, I was surely becoming an embodied gal with true enthusiasm for what was possible through the body's unique expression. To deal with my frustration and curiosity I explored diverse erotic communities and learned from both academic and unconventional teachers for over a decade. These experiences inspired and challenged me, leading me to teach and facilitate conversations on sexuality with an emphasis on open-heartedness and liberation. In the last decade I’ve been invited to teach more in professional development, for therapists, and academic settings. The story is long and meandering. What I most want you to know is that I have felt stuck and I have felt free. I have felt confined and I have felt truly liberated. I have experienced a unique opportunity to explore my body and sexuality in a culture who's politics make that a hard thing to do. I have felt shame and I have felt shameless. These are not fixed places that now I am free from. I simply want you to know that I have taken the ride and feel equip to help you on your ride of discovery. I think that loving ourselves well and going into deep terrain about our power and potential as a self expressed being that includes our sexuality is a radical act. I like thinking of all of us radical folks out there making more joy with our bodies, taking back the love of being ourselves and dismantling the systems that get in the way of that. I believe that the political and the personal are intertwined, and that our identities are both shaped and construct the world around us. As a white, queer, cisgender, able-bodied person I see and experience the world in a particular way, but what I am sure of is that when it comes to sexuality there is oppression everywhere, no matter your identities. Though the impact is different. Some unseen qualities to how I see the world are through being a step-parent, a motherless daughter and a spiritually inclined individual with no deep rooted practice in a particular religion. Lastly, and perhaps the most important thing is that I would rather laugh than almost anything else. I can take myself too seriously, and I know I am not alone. As I have gotten older I take so much joy in irreverence and play. So if we can laugh together at the ridiculousness of life, then you are in the right place. |
As a practitioner, I trust in your wisdom and experience. If you can let it, your body’s inherent knowledge will guide you into a more integrated relationship with your sexuality. I will not be the cause of your transformation, instead I will bring you the kind witnessing and inquiry needed for your own realizations and inspirations to occur. It brings me joy to help de-stigmatize cultural ideas of sexuality and honor what makes you feel most alive.
I believe adults can use play and imagination to cultivate change. My approach is body-centered, and I tailor my work to each client. In a culture riddled with shame around sexuality, I will guide you away from limiting beliefs, helping you become who you want to be in your relationships and sexuality. In group work, my mission is to bring open conversations about the taboos of sex, normalizing its complexities, and encouraging play. Some principles I integrate are: It’s all an experiment. Pleasure is healing. Skills in intimacy build stronger relationships, which in turn lead to more sustainable families and communities. In educational settings, I prioritize collaboration and “group mind,” recognizing the wisdom of individual and shared experience within the collective. My classes focus on intimacy skills and effective, compassionate ways to discuss sex and intimacy in professional contexts. What I offer is compassion and enthusiasm, along with unique insights and lessons in intimacy that both educate and liberate. |